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In the Season Ministries

Our ministry is to proclaim the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Luke 21:30-31

In the Season Ministries Logo
The imminent return of Jesus Christ

About us

We are,

Ed and Linda Rosamund

We are eschatologists, which is a fancy word for someone who studies the end times prophecies. Our teachings are based on a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. We believe in the literal translation and application of the Bible. We believe the Bible is the anointed word of Word of God. 


We are not date setters. Dates are totally God's business. We do not spiritualize, humanize, or sensationalize the Bible. 


Our aim is to spread the word that the return of our Lord is imminent. We all need to have our lives ready to meet Jesus in the air. 



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